Romans 8:12-25

I know I have been posting a lot of academic/Bible study type stuff lately, but honestly that is what I am most immersed in right now. More specifically I am immersed in Romans. By the end of the week I should post an article about my “Black Friday” experience. Until then I have been trying to offer some things for those of you who are really trying to absorb Romans right now.

This Sunday I will be preaching Romans 8:12-25. Back in the summer I wrote a paper for a seminary class on this passage. For those who care to read it, here is the link. For those of you who have a Turabian fetish please know the grader killed me on it. In rebellion to Turabian I have not corrected those mistakes! I desire to be a man who remains 1/64th of an inch off at all times.

In any event Romans 8 is an incredible passage that describes the plight of the Spirit filled soul in the midst of a sinful world. It is a crescendo in the Biblical corpus. For those who were at RBC on November 23 I am sure you were greatly impacted by Skinner’s recitation of the passage. It is incredibly meaningful when we can find ways to digest a passage of Scripture from a lot of different angles. I suppose the submission of this paper would add another angle.


Anonymous said…
"It is a crescendo in the Biblical corpses"

Do you mean corpus? Most of the biblical corpses fell in the wilderness wanderings.
Brian Branam said…
I am quite the wordsmith, or is it smythe, or smyth?

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