The Promises of God in the Hands of Men
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What now? Well, we will continue this week to study this section of Scripture with a little more concentration on Romans 9. On Wednesday night I will talk about the doctrine of election. It will be a good time of teaching and prep that will help you get a better understanding of the passage. I encourage you to be here on Wednesday night. Also, I will ask our sound techs to record the audio so that it can be posted online along with the audio from the Sunday morning sermons.
In your personal study let me give you some clues about the passage. Paul is defending the efficacy of God’s Word; that His promises are true and they have not failed despite the fact Paul is saying God’s own chosen people are lost. Think about this. If God has chosen Israel through His covenants and promises (vv. 4-5) and yet Paul is saying that Israel has not entered into the promises of God unto salvation it logically raises the question, “Has the promise of God failed?” Has God made the wrong choice? I know this is a brain full, but in Paul’s teaching the unbelief of Israel does not call into question Israel, but the logical end is that it calls into question God; His decisions and His power to fulfill His promises. If God has promised to save His chosen people, and Paul says that God’s chosen people are not saved, has God failed? Is the Word of God a lie? Are the promises of God true?
In order to circumvent failure Paul teaches that God does not trust the fulfillment of His promises in the hands of men. God fulfills His promises despite the actions of men. In this passage Paul mentions the election of God in the life of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Esau, Moses and Pharaoh. As a point of study, write down ten points of comparison about the character of Jacob and Esau. Compare Moses and Pharaoh. Also, write down a few of the character traits of Abraham. In doing so, refrain from painting the Sunday School picture of each of these men. Here is a hint. Pharaoh was a power hungry pagan king who thought he was god. Moses, if you remember, is no saint! What about Jacob and Esau? Which of the two was the liar? A great question to ask about Abraham is did Isaac have a brother? Why?
If you will work through these questions you will see why the election of God is such an important thing. The promises of God cannot be trusted in the hands of men for their fulfillment. Enjoy your study!
If you will work through these questions you will see why the election of God is such an important thing. The promises of God cannot be trusted in the hands of men for their fulfillment. Enjoy your study!
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