Dr. Afman

“We ought to be a people of The Book”, he would say. He would pray, “Since you are the author of The Book, you are the best teacher of The Book”, and he would ask God for divine guidance as he gave his lecture. There is another quote I will never forget. “Everywhere the Christian goes is sacred.” It was a short statement on the privilege and responsibility the born again share as the indwelt temples of the Holy Spirit of God.

Dr. Fred Afman went home to be with the Lord today. He was certainly one of my heroes and one of the greatest professors I have had during my prolonged academic life. I treasured his teaching. My grandmother and Dr. Afman contributed to my love for the Old Testament. He was a godly man. He was a great teacher of the Word of God which he often referred to as “The Book.” When he taught you could tell he was a man immersed in the Word. His wisdom and application were captivating to me. It didn’t hurt that he also had a great Bible voice. It was like listening to Moses or a great prophet. I imagine that most of the great Bible characters had an Afman"esque" voice.

Surely we all have heroes. We should all have holy heroes. As they pass from the scene the issue becomes one of succession. Who is next? What is next? Having spent so much time lately in 2 Kings, I see the importance of leaving a legacy of godliness. The slow erosion of society into sin inevitably leads to a generation that will become conquered by and captive to sin. The consequences are severe. I pray that God would use me in the lives of others like he used Dr. Affman in mine.


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