The First Move

“I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.”  (Exodus 20:2)
The first move has always been His.  He created the universe.  After the fall, God went to Adam.  Adam hid from God.  People are not seekers by nature.  No one seeks for God (Romans 3:11b).  He has always made the first move.  We respond.
Before God reveals His commandments, He reminds Israel of His character.  Their relationship with Him has meant a great deal to them.  He is their salvation.  Following His commandments can only result in their good.  David believed this and wrote in Psalm 119:6, “Then I shall not be put to shame, having my eyes fixed on all your commandments.”
With Israel, God made the first move.  It was a move to save them.  The precedent is clearly set.  If there is any suspicion or doubt that following God’s commandments is not a good thing, note the precedent.  He made the first move.  His commandments not only restrict; they also save.  Sexual purity saves marriages.  Loving life saves people.  Devoting yourself to the one true God saves the soul.  Sabbath rest saves the body.  Honoring parents saves society.  Contentment saves the wallet.  Respect saves reputations. 
His first move was to save.  We should listen to what He has to say.


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