Pacing the Day (An Excerpt from My New Book #TheWalk)

pages 28-29

Have you ever thought about what God teaches us in the pace of creation?  If God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light, don’t you think He could have just as easily have said, “Let there be a universe, fully furnished” and there would have been life as we know it?  Yet it took Him six days to talk it out and work it out.

If it took God six days to create the world, what is it that you and I think we can accomplish by trying to outpace Him in a week?

We must learn to do what God does - pace the day.

God has infused a rhythmic schedule into creation.  It would benefit us greatly to walk accordingly.  There is day and night.  Some of us never quit, so God turns the lights out as a signal.  The sun has gone down.  So should you.

Get off of Facebook.  Turn off the television.  Stop working.  Shut down the computer.  Relax.  Don’t work.  Talk.  Tell the story of your day - God tells us the story of His.  Go to bed.

If God waited until day 2 to create the heavens (Gen. 1:6-8), what is it that you and I have going on that can’t possibly wait until tomorrow?

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