The Best Thing You Never Did
If you're ready to quit, second-guess yourself. It may be the best thing you NEVER did.
In combat sports like boxing and mixed martial arts fighting, throwing a towel into the ring signals surrender. It means that your corner manager thinks that you've had enough. Up until 2011, no one had ever thrown in the towel in a UFC mixed martial arts fight.
On New Year's Day 2011, in a championship bout, Frankie Edgar defended his belt against the #1 challenger Gray Maynard. The fight opened with the champ getting pummeled. Maynard's onslaught was so brutal that you can hear one of Edgar's coaches calling for his corner to throw in the towel.
But no one did.
Instead of surrendering the fight and losing his belt, Edgar not only endured the brutality of the early round, but he battled back to a draw and retained his title.
No one threw in the towel. It was the best thing they "NEVER" did.
Someone called for Edgar to quit. Someone else second-guessed the decision.
Life can get pretty brutal. Business. Marriage. Parenting. Even a church can be a place where you walk away with cuts and bruises. It's easy to want to throw in the towel. But second-guess yourself.
What Jesus Did and Didn't Do
In John 13, Jesus is at a pivotal moment. His hour has come. He is sharing a meal with His apostles. One of them will betray Him and set in motion the events that lead up to His brutal crucifixion.
Jesus grabs a towel. And instead of throwing it in and walking away, He does a most unusual thing.
He laid aside his outer garments, and taking a towel, tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him.
John 13:4-5
You are not the only one who wants to quit. But before you do, do what Jesus did. Take that towel and use it before you throw it in.
Wash the feet of your betrayer.
Wipe the hands of your wife or husband and hold them.
Go to work one more day, not thinking "What's in it for me?" but with the mentality, "What can I do for them?"
And let's be honest. Some people will never change. Judas still betrayed Jesus. But that's not why you second-guess yourself. You don't take the towel because someone else needs to change. You do it because you need to think.
Jesus' actions opened up new conversations (John 13:8).
Jesus' actions did nothing for Judas, but they radically transformed Peter (John 13:9).
Jesus' actions taught His apostles new lessons (John 13:14).
Jesus didn't quit. And you and I are SO thankful He NEVER did!
So before you throw in the towel, second-guess yourself. Do something different with it. It may become the best thing you NEVER did.
Don't quit.
Bible Study
Read John 13:1-20
- What does this passage teach us about Jesus?
- What are the commands to be obeyed?
- What are the promises to be believed?
What is the situation or relationship that you are closest to quitting? Do something loving and unexpected to serve that person or situation.
