Top 10 Money Tips from Proverbs


What is your financial management plan? Do you have one? Here are the top 10 money tips from the Bible's Book of Proverbs. Apply these financial principles so that you can endure hardship, build savings, and grow in generosity.

  1. Make a decision for every dollar (Proverbs 21:5)
  2. Money decisions are marriage decisions (Proverbs 31:10-31)
  3. Get rich slow (Pro 13:11).
  4. Enter loans cautiously. Eliminate loans quickly (Pro 6:1-5, 22:7, 28:8).
  5. Take care of what you have (Pro. 27:23-27).
  6. Save up-front rather than left-over (Pro 10:4-5, 21:10).
  7. Give is gain (Pro. 3:9-10).
  8. Start with 10/10/80, but don’t stop (Pro. 10:22-23).
  9. Live in balance (30:7-9).
  10. Talk is cheap (14:23).


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