Revive us Again, Psalm 85

When we think of revival we have fond memories and high hopes for a few days that we might set aside for preaching and prayer. 

The common practice is to invite an evangelist to preach and our unchurched family and friends to attend in hopes that they would be saved. Perhaps people in the church would recommit. We want the backslider to reconnect. And if it all goes well, we may put it on the calendar again for next year.

And we have seen God do great things in those meetings. Praise God for that.

But, when you read Psalm 85 you hear a man ask God to “revive us again.” But as you read the text, you hear no plans. There is no mention of a speaker. He indicates no dates he has reserved on the calendar. 

These omissions are no indication that any of this is unbiblical or sinful, but it does indicate that when it comes to revival, this man wants something else, maybe something more.

What you hear is desperation. You hear a man going to God and asking God to do what only He can do. You hear a man wanting a situation to change. 


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